Eclectic unschooling is back?

It’s been a while since my last post, and I have not posted about last summer, yet. I will soon. These past few months have been a whirl wind, and I have not taken the time to post on a regular schedule, I hope to change that. Then last night K told me about a new project they started that I feel compelled to share.

K decided they wanted to write a story about friends who travel across the US living off of art commissions. They want it to be accurate, so they have spent the last few days researching the best way to get commissions for artwork, budgeting for all needs including, but not limited to: gas, insurance, food, and other needs. K also chose a car that could get the characters around, and can be slept in. Now, K is researching camp sites to stay at that are either very cheap or free. Once K is completely finished with the research they will not only have the basis fora story they want to write, but they will also have an economics report that will show they understand the basics of high school economics.

One of the best parts about child led learning is when the students take complete control, and create a project that allows them to not only learn, but really enjoy the process. This is a project K will not forget.

What projects have your kids done on their own?

Author: Nikoah Thornton

I am a homeschooling mom with 2 awesome children. We have been homeschooling since 2013 and love it. We use a child centered curriculum often referred to as eclectic schooling.